I was jotting down an executive summary on online trends in 2009 for a media factbook.
In the process, I reffered the comscore pecking order and the results were interesting.
While comscore often is used to evaluate which sites to select in the media plan on the basis of variety of parameters like impressions, reach etc but comscore doesnt nessasarily evaluate only advertising-accepting sites.
Lets look at the sites at the top of the heap
The spurt in growth of internet in Malaysia , seems to be coming from 5 different areas (Not in any order)
1. Search (Google & Yahoo leading it, further growth may come from MSN’s latest foray – Bing)
2. Social Media (Friendster, Facebook, Twitter)
3. Blogs(Wordpress, Blogspot)
4. Bank transactions (Maybank2u.com)
5. Online auctions (Ebay & Mudah)
Its fantastic to see, that transactions / auctions sites and one of them being Malaysian,are doing well
Search obviously is aquiring new dimensions and moving to areas like "Decision search"(Bing) and computation search(Wolfram Alpha) and is a global trend rather than local Malaysian one.
Blogs are a traditional Malsysian strength. and is quite organised as well with some 80,000 bloggers under the Nufnang umbrella , which also seems to be having a +ve growth as the total number of sites under its aegis was around 40,000 two years back.
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