If you wondering who is this post about , its about a self created entrepreneur called Ramalinga Raju who is the erstwhile chairman of Satyam, one of the top IT companies in the world . He was caught is a huge fraud case where he had swindled huge amount of money from Satyam coffers and yet managed to keep it under wraps.
But in a positive light, what kind of education sparks off this kind of an enterprenrial spirit where people race from 0 to 100 in just a lifetime?
Just to spoil everything later
Now has Ramalinga Rajus education really been the differentiation factor .
Maybe , Maybe not as there is nothing different in his education from many other foreign educated Indian professionals.
What is required to become a world class entrepreneur ?
A strong international education ?
There is this report that he is doing well from jail as well , cracking business deals etc and also playing badminton in the jail premises.
He is actually a genius and there is no doubts about it !
Education :
Ramalinga Raju was born on September 16, 1954 in a family of farmers. He did his B. Com from Andhra Loyola College at Vijayawada and subsequently did his MBA from Ohio University, USA. Ramalinga Raju had a stint at Harvard too. He attended the Owner / President course at Harvard.
Maybe it wasn't the education but the modest orgins of being farmer sparked the killer
There is a saying by Alvin Tofller that when the third wave kicks in . People who have modest beginnings go on to do great things as long as they have access to education and other facilities need to grow.
So a student with modest beginnings will do better in Harvard University if he manages to reach there vs someone from typical Urban-educated privileged background.
To some extent it was described in Jeffery Archers Kane and Abel as well, where Abel was from Spartan background and went on to do great in life.
Whatever it is ! Hats off to the guy in making and taking a company to stratospheric levels.
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