Mar 20, 2008

PR monster has many arms: Don’t try to cut them

PR monster has many arms: Don’t try to cut them

Is China suffering for its past sins? Well the story goes like this; your past comes and haunts you when you are on the verge of cracking the biggest deal of your life? The Tibet issue is coming up from most unexpected of places and set-off tremors into the upper echelons of the administrative council for the Olympics. Its haunted Russia also in the 1980 Moscow, but at that points it was expected and Moscow had a “don’t care” attitude and they knew the solution wasn’t to do with communication to the outside world. But Chinese State council information office (SCIO) on the other hand feels that hiring PR agencies will solve part of the problem. To this end the Chinese SCIO has put up feelers to several PR agencies in Beijing and has also invited a creative pitch around a broader story that it wants to tell the world. Some of the suggestions revolve around having more transparent internet acess , more freedom to international media, and a less aggressive tone by the state media. State suffers from a lack of knowledge how to position itself and engage itself with foreign media, and that results in a lack of knowledge in terms of how negative communication seeps through even the most impermeable of the barriers.

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